Here are some charts I made to help you master crafting recipe levels. Don't forget to note the rewards at the bottom of each chart!
If you need an overview of what Crafting Mastery is, check out the official Farmville blog post here. I have taken the information from their charts and included it below to help consolidate information for your reference.
- This might all be really overwhelming to you. Don't worry! This math stuff is just for those who are interested! If you don't want to bother with it, you can still be quite successful and earn those signs fastest by crafting one good/day, filling all available ovens/tables/barrels.
- Work your way from the lower level items up.
- Plant the crops you need for the next few day's bushels.
- Collaborate with a few neighbors so you can all share bushels and have what you need available each day as you work your way up the levels.
- Buy goods from your neighbors daily! Keep note of who buys from you if you need to just return the favor because of limited coins, but remember that you can help lower level neighbors get coins and fuel by buying their goods, and upper level neighbors will appreciate you helping them master these recipes.
Click to enlarge!
Crops needed for each building
Yellow shows crops that you can use in all 3 buildings. Green shows those for bakery and winery. Blue are the crops for bakery and spa. Violet are crops for winery and spa. All other crops are for that crafting building only.
Mastering Recipes with Math
In the following chart you will find the number of goods to make for each recipe mastery level. The left column shows how many stars you will get on your mastery sign. The top row shows what upgrade level the recipe for the good you are crafting is from (as shown in the above charts, grouped by 3's). These numbers are cumulative, so you will not need to make 65 more goods to get to level 2, but 35 once you've gotten level 1 for the first 3 recipes in your buildings.
In the following chart 'Level Tiers' in the left hand columns is the level that each recipe can reach as you craft and sell multiple goods. You will need to make and sell more and more goods between each level as shown in the second column. The third column sums up the number of goods to make and sell times 3 (the number of levels at that rate). The last column is the cumulative sum of the values in the 3rd column and shows the total number of goods that need to be crafted and sold off before you can reach the next tier level.
You'll be looking at the first and last columns the most (level tier and total made/sold).
Formula: (Total needed - Total made so far - Amount for sale) / Level divisor.
"Total needed" is the number in the right hand column called 'total goods made/sold'. Look for the highlighted number with the color that corresponds to that recipe's level (think about how many 'star upgrades' your building was when you unlocked it. See above charts). Ie. yellow is level 1 building and will be for the first 3 recipes.
"Total made so far" is the number in the last column that corresponds to your recipes current level of mastery. Be sure to include any extras that you have made if you're between levels.
"Amount for sale" you can find in the third tab of your crafting building. You might have to scroll through your list to see how many are on sale for friends to buy.
"Level divisor" is the number of goods you make each time (always 1) plus the number that will be on sale for friends (depends on its upgrade level). See color key under the final chart for level divisors. Each good that your friends buy counts towards leveling up your recipes.
Example 1. A level 15 Spicy Muffin recipe with 44 for sale.
The total made so far according the chart is 60 for my level 15 muffin.
I want to get to level 20 to get my mastery sign and this is a 1 star recipe.
Level 20 requires 89 goods made and sold total.
I subtract what I've made from what I need (89-60) and am left with 29 goods needed to be made/sold.
I divide by 3 because this is a level 1 good and I've made one and put 2 on sale so total goods =3. I find I need to make 9.67 more muffins (round up to 10 because these are whole goods not fractions). I can then let the rest sell out to get to level 20. I already have 44 for sale, so I do not need to make any more to get my first sign.
Example 2. A level 11 Pattypan Tart recipe with 27 for sale.
This is a 2 Star recipe, so to get my first mastery sign I'll need to get it up to level 23.
I need 105+9= 114 goods made and sold to raise my recipe to level 23. (Be careful with levels in between level tiers and make sure you add on the amount needed to make/sell to the previous total)
Made so far is 27+5= 32 (based on level)
Subtract what I've made from what I need. 114-32 = 82
Subtract what I already have for sale. 82-27 = 55
Divide by 4 (because its a 2 star recipe). 55/4 = 13.75 or 14 more pattypan tarts that I will need to make to get my first mastery sign for this recipe.
*I'll keep adding more to this including tips as needed to help you master these.
Enjoy and please share!
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