Here you will find some excellent charts to help you master the Crafting Goods and get signs you can place on your farm! For more in depth information and ideas please see the FarmVille Crafting Building Mastery and Recipe Guide.
- Use Master Chart when buying your friend's goods to help them get their mastery signs and level up goods too!
- Use Individual Charts when you are crafting to get that first mastery sign or see how close you are to the next star.
- Upgrade Level refers to the number of times you have paid coins to unlock more crafting slots.
- Mastery Sign Levels will give you 1-5 stars on a little display sign. The numbers under these levels are the level that your good must be at. (Ex: I have a level 29 Pumpkin Bread. I need to make or sell several more of Pumpkin Breads to raise the recipe to level 30 and earn a second star on my Pumpkin Bread mastery sign.)
- You get 50XP each time you craft a good (just a little added bonus to keep you crafting!)
- You share goods, get a good, and have more to sell each time you level up. All those can be traded in for tons of fuel to keep you planting some cash crops!
- The more you craft, the more of your neighbor's stalls you visit thus giving them the 10XP bonus/ visit too!
- Keeping your stalls full of crops needed for Crafting Buildings will bring in TONS of XP per day from neighbors making goods.
3-In-One Master Chart of Crafting Mastery!
Here's one chart you can print as a reference to know when each Crafting Recipe will level up.
Use Master Chart when buying your friend's goods to help them get their mastery signs and level up goods too!
Click any chart to see it larger.
Be sure to print them or bookmark this page so you can
get back here quickly as you might be crafting a couple times each day!
Individual Charts for Crafting Mastery
Use Individual Charts when you are crafting to get that first mastery sign or see how close you are to the next star.
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