News: Bees have come to Farmville!

Bees have come to Farmville!

Scroll to the bottom to see what the bee feature is good for!

The bees are here! Farmville users have been requesting bees since the beginning of the game and a year later, they have finally given them to us! This feature is more complex than just an item though, so check back here for more information about them as I figure it out :)

Bees have come to Farmville!

Bees have come to Farmville!

Get the beehive out of your gift box, set it down on your farm and then close the gift box when it pops back up to get this to share.

Bees have come to Farmville!

If something is not right, always try clearing your cache first!

Bees have come to Farmville!

When you look inside you will see how many of each piece you have and then you can click 'ask for more'.

Bees have come to Farmville!

Thankfully this is one of those buildables that you can ask your friends for all the parts with a request instead of begging with feed spam posts.

Bees have come to Farmville!

I recommend you plant some flowers to help your neighbors find the queen bee!!

You can gift bees from the free gifts page:

Bees have come to Farmville!


You can only buy one bee hive right now. It is in the market under the buildings 'for animals' tab if you didn't get yours or accidentally delete it.

Bees have come to Farmville!

You can also buy parts to help build it and bees to keep in it!

Bees have come to Farmville!

Bees have come to Farmville!

Once your beehive is built you can catch a Queen Bee

The Queen Bee can be found while harvesting flowers on your farm, and fertilizing flowers on your neighbor's farms. 

Once you find the queen, she will be waiting for you in your gift box and you will get a popup allowing you to share the queen with some friends (5?).

Bees have come to Farmville!

You can now start building your colony. Put the queen in first. Now you can add up to 200 bees into your beehive which you can collect as a gift from neighbors or you can buy for farmcash.

Bees have come to Farmville!

What are the bees for?

Having more bees will help you find Pollinated Seeds from Fertilized crops.

Bees have come to Farmville!

These seeds unlock special crops in the market that are pollinated. (Find more seeds on your facebook feed and look for the bee next to crops in the market).

Bees have come to Farmville!

Pollinated crops give you a higher chance of finding bushels and last for two days. 

Bushels are necessary to help you master crops faster, get higher bonuses from mastered crops, and can be used for crafting goods in the Crafting Buildings

You must tend your beehive every other day or some might start to fly away, but you do not need to keep flowers planted for them. 

 Zynga's information on the new bee feature can be found here as well. 

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